The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration released a fact sheet on older people (65+) and motor vehicle crashes. These are some of the findings:
- Older people accounted for 15% of all traffic fatalities and 18% of all pedestrian fatalities.
- Older drivers make up 15 percent (31 million) of all licensed drivers in 2007.
- One hundred eighty three thousand older individuals were injured in traffic crashes in 2008, accounting for 8% of all the people injured in traffic crashes.
- Older drivers also made up 15% of all traffic fatalities, or 14% of all vehicle occupant fatalities.
- Studies show most traffic fatalities involving older drivers in 2008 occurred during the daytime (80%), on weekends (72%) and involved other vehicles (69%).
- Older drivers involved in fatal crashes had the lowest proportion of total drivers with blood alcohol concentration.
- Seventy-seven percent of all older occupants of passenger vehicles involved in fatal crashes were using restraints at the time of the crash, compared to 63% for other adult occupants (18 to 64).
- For older people, sixty-four percent of pedestrian fatalities in 2008 occurred at non-intersection locations.
Afer being in a collision, you may want to contact an auto accident lawyer to learn more about your legal options. At PKSD, our team of personal injury lawyers and support staff have been helping Wisconsin accident victims since 1999, and we have a proven track record of success. For help with your claim, call us today at 414-333-3333 or fill out the Free Case Evaluation form on this page.
PKSD – Est. 1999.