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Albuquerque Nursing Home Denies Cookout Led to COVID-19 Outbreak



positive test for COVID-19Administrators at the Princeton Place nursing home in Albuquerque, New Mexico honored nursing staff and other caregivers at the facility with a company cookout for their efforts in keeping it coronavirus-free. However, just five days after photos of the event were posted to Facebook, the nursing home acknowledged its first confirmed case of COVID-19.

PKSD shares this news article as a clear example of how quickly this virus can spread at larger gatherings when social distancing and other safety measures are not followed.

If your loved one contracted the infection as the result of nursing home negligence, such as failing to comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, our qualified lawyers are prepared to help.

Contact our firm to schedule your free and confidential consultation to discuss your legal options. There is no obligation to file a claim after this meeting. If we represent you, we receive no payment for our services unless we first achieve compensation on behalf of your loved one.

Local Resident Observed Gathering; Calls it Reckless

Princeton Place nursing home administrators do not believe that the staff recognition cookout, held in early June, was responsible for sparking a coronavirus outbreak at their facility.

However, many residents expressed their concern over the gathering. One local resident, who wished to remain anonymous because of personal ties to the facility, personally observed the event, calling it “reckless” and noting that, “Everyone’s eating together and sitting too near each other, and not wearing masks.”

As of June 29, 14 employees and 23 residents at Princeton Place nursing home have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.

Managing CEO Response

Princeton Place is managed by OnPoint, a Texas-based management company. Eric Tanner, Managing CEO of OnPointe responded by saying, “I certainly understand why there would be anxiety around that, we’re trying to balance both making sure that patients are getting the social engagement that they need as well as the employees.” He further stated that, “The unfortunate reality of the situation is there’s a high likelihood that COVID-19 will get into a nursing home, just like there’s a high likelihood that it’ll get into other places.”

Princeton Place staff are continuing to take efforts to contain and prevent further spread of the virus. No further gatherings are being planned at this time.

Contact Tracing Locates Asymptomatic Staffer

As reported in the KRQE news story, Tanner says there are ongoing efforts to contain the virus at Princeton Place, which includes regular testing of all 300 workers and 300 residents. Contact tracing, which revealed an asymptomatic staffer at its facility, helps containment efforts by locating and testing those who have come into contact with a confirmed carrier of the virus. This staffer, who was not at the gathering, is believed to be the first confirmed case of COVID-19 at the nursing home.

According to Tanner, as of June 29, no residents who attended the recognition cookout had tested positive for the virus. Additionally, none of the residents with confirmed cases have had to be hospitalized. Princeton Place continues to cooperate with the state Department of Health to continue COVID-19 testing of both residents and staff at the facility.

Seek Legal Help From a Qualified Attorney Today

If your loved one contracted COVID-19 due to gross negligence at his or her nursing home, we are prepared to help. Contact our firm anytime, day or night, to speak with one of our representatives and arrange for your free initial consultation.

Our Wisconsin nursing home abuse lawyers have extensive knowledge of nursing home neglect laws, and we are dedicated to pursuing maximum compensation on behalf of your loved one. We welcome the opportunity to review your situation and determine what legal options may apply. If we take your case, there is nothing to pay unless we achieve compensation on your behalf.

PKSD Law. Legal help for nursing home neglect. 414-333-3333

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