When your loved one is residing in an assisted living facility, you expect that they are receiving the highest level of care and that they are the main priority of the staff. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.
If you or a loved one falls victim to nursing home abuse or neglect, call a personal injury attorney from PKSD at 414-333-3333. As Wisconsins largest nursing home abuse and neglect law firm, we have the resources and passion to help you get the justice you deserve.
A recent study conducted by researchers affiliated with the University of New Brunswick in St. John shows that nurses and care providers spend less than half of their time tending to residents.
The study found that they spend the majority of their time, as much as 53.7 percent, performing non-care related tasks.
Additionally, nursing aides were found to spend the most amount of time of all providers, 35.5 percent, on non-value-added activities such as looking for equipment and supplies, distributing linens and looking for other providers.
In light of the complaints and calls for improved care in nursing homes, the researchers set out to understand the work of care providers to determine if opportunities exist for improved efficiencies.
The results were a resounding yes. From the data collected from seven nursing home facilities throughout one Canadian province, there proved to be many opportunities for improvement and better management of time.
The researchers concluded that there may be opportunities for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses to delegate some of their daily activities to non-regulated workers to allow for more care-related activities with residents.
Although quality of care was not directly evaluated in this study, the results show that the healthcare providers in these nursing homes were not placing enough priority on patient care.
If you feel that your loved one is not receiving the care and attention that he or she needs, it could be time to reevaluate your chosen facility.
If they experience any type of abuse or neglect, contact our nursing home abuse lawyers immediately to get legal help for your loved one.
Call 414-333-3333 or complete the Free Case Evaluation form.