The last few years have been rough for residents of long-term care facilities. One of the many challenges for these residents is that they have been disconnected from each other and their local communities. Being a part of a community is essential to everyone’s well-being, including long-term care residents.
That is why the theme for this year’s Residents’ Rights Month is Inspiring Unity Within the Community. Residents’ Rights Month was started by The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, and it takes place every October. This designation provides an opportunity to celebrate the individual rights and dignity of every long-term care resident.
This year, we are recognizing that the pandemic caused a disconnect between residents and other residents and staff members. Group dining and other group activities were severely limited to protect residents. Residents were also disconnected from their local communities because of visitation restrictions. They also could not take part in activities outside their long-term care centers.
The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care has various resources to help encourage community involvement, including PDF documents with tips for residents and long-term care facilities, such as:
- Sponsoring educational programs about things like residents’ rights or resident councils
- Having a speaker series
- Organizing a craft fair
- Connecting with local leaders in politics
- Having an awards ceremony to celebrate, residents, staff and community leaders
- Setting up a nursing home community council
- And more
There are also tips on encouraging community when residents are eating. For example:
- Tea parties
- Mexican or Italian-themed dinners
- Music or entertainment while dining
- Open dining
- Cookouts
- Having condiments on tables instead of in packets
- And more
The National Consumer Voice has provided tips on reducing boredom and loneliness.
PKSD is Committed to Defending Residents’ Rights
Our firm has helped many nursing home residents seek compensation after they suffered abuse in violation of their rights. We are well-versed in federal and state laws protecting nursing home residents and we know how to build strong cases for victims.
Our services come with no upfront fees and no fees while we work on your case. If you or your loved one suffered abuse, our Wisconsin nursing home abuse attorneys may be able to help you.
Call PKSD today to learn more. 414-333-3333