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Teen Driver Safety Week



This week is National Teen Driver Safety Week and this years theme is Ride Like a Friend.  A major focus will be on teens to make better decisions such as not riding with inexperienced drivers, refraining from distracting behavior and always wearing a seat belt. About half of the teens who die in crashes each year are passengers.

PKSD is a Milwaukee personal injury law firm handling cases through out the state. Our personal injury lawyers have successfully represented injured people in almost every county.

Tendency to speed, aggressive driving, texting while driving and taking dangerous risks are all reasons why teens are more likely to be involved in a serious car crash. They are also the least likely to wear a seat belt.

Ninety-six teens died in motor vehicle accidents and approximately 8,000 were injured in WIsconsin last year.  Statistics show that teenagers make up 5% of licensed drivers in Wisconsin, but they account for 13% of the drivers involved in crashes.

Take a few moments to talk to your teen about responsible driving practices.


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