PKSD Newsletter: Why Backyard Fireworks May Cause Serious Injuries

Posted on behalf of Jeff Pitman on July 3, 2020 in Firm News
Updated on February 24, 2022

fireworks with familyThere are few things more American than fireworks than gathering with friends and family to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. However, because of the pandemic, most public events have been canceled. While many may use this as an opportunity to create their own backyard displays, it is important to do so with caution.

Read PKSD’s July newsletter for safety tips on how to avoid serious injuries during the many backyard fireworks displays planned for this year’s summer celebrations.

2019 Fireworks-Related Injuries

Most of the injuries sustained from fireworks happen in summer months, from June 21 to July 21. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in their annual report, there were 10,000 injuries involving fireworks and 12 deaths in 2019.

Many of the injured are men. In fact, percentage-wise, the number of men to women injured by fireworks is 66 percent to 34 percent. However, children under the age of 15 also account for many of the injuries – as high as 40 percent.

Types of Injuries Involving Fireworks

Injuries suffered in a fireworks-related accident can be minor to severe, even fatal. However, many of the injuries sustained in this type of accident involve:

  • Serious burns
  • Blindness
  • Loss of hearing
  • Severe bruising
  • Deep lacerations
  • Bone fractures

Medical treatment for these types of injuries can quickly become very expensive. Our legal team is prepared to review your situation and determine whether you may have legal options to help you recover compensation for the damages you sustained.

Why So Many Injuries?

Fireworks sales are always booming for weeks around the Fourth of July holiday. In 2019, the increased sales were also accompanied by an equally dramatic increase in complaints to police about the noise and concerns about fire hazards.

This year, the reason for the heightened sales, complaints and injuries may all be due to the pandemic and cancellation of Fourth of July celebrations around the country. More families may be setting off fireworks displays in private celebrations after months of being really fed up of the isolation and news reports about COVID-19 restrictions.

Families and Safety First

Most individuals want to enjoy fireworks, but not at the expense of friends and family members getting injured in the process. To this end, PKSD shares some safety reminders for these summer fireworks celebrations:

  • Keep fireworks out of reach of kids under the age of 18 at all times.
  • Do not buy illegal fireworks. Check local laws as well as the label of any fireworks you purchase. Illegal fireworks will not be labeled.
  • Keep fireworks stored in a cool, dark area and locked to prevent kids from playing with them.
  • Do not attempt to build your own fireworks.
  • Only use fireworks outdoors and away from people, buildings and other flammable objects.
  • Keep a bucket of water and hooked-up garden hose available in case something goes wrong.
  • Be mindful when setting off fireworks that they can backfire or go off in an unexpected direction.
  • Never throw fireworks at anyone or hold them in your hand.
  • Do not carry fireworks in your pocket. The friction of movement while walking could set them off.
  • Point fireworks away from homes, brush, trees and other flammable objects.
  • Soak used fireworks in a water-filled bucket before throwing them away.
  • Always wear eye protection and non-flammable clothing
  • Do not try to re-light a “dud.” Place in a non-flammable area, wait at least 20 minutes, and dispose properly with other used fireworks.
  • Avoid drinking and lighting fireworks and keep alcohol away from fireworks while lighting. To make sure the fun stays safe for everyone, it is a good idea to be alert and sober.

Our Attorneys Are Available For Legal Help

At PKSD Law, our fully-staffed legal team welcomes the opportunity to help you understand your legal options after an injury due to another’s negligence.

Our Milwaukee personal injury lawyers have representatives available to take your call anytime, day or night, and we are prepared to review the circumstances that led to your injury to see how we may be able to help. Schedule your free initial consultation to learn more. We charge nothing up front, and we do not get paid unless you do.

Your FREE legal consultation is just a phone call away: 877-877-2228

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