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Visiting Loved Ones in Nursing Homes During the Holidays



visiting loved ones in the nursing homeAs you visit elderly loved ones living in nursing homes this holiday season, plan ahead to make your visit more rewarding and enjoyable.

Here are some things to consider before you visit a nursing home.

  • Find out the facility’s visiting hours so you can schedule plenty of time for your visit. If you are unable to come during normal hours, contact the administrator to schedule a visit.
  • Ask the facility when mealtimes are. Let them know if you’d like to attend a meal with your loved one so that they may accommodate you, or plan your visit before or after mealtimes to give yourself more time to spend with your loved one.

Keeping Children Comfortable

Nursing homes can be unsettling environments for children to visit, especially if they are not prepared. Make the visit rewarding for both children and elderly loved ones by following these suggestions:

  • Before visiting a nursing home, discuss with your children what they can expect to see, such as unresponsive patients or those with unfamiliar medical conditions. Answer questions and discuss your childs feelings in advance.
  • Consider planning an activity for your child to do with your elderly loved one during the visit. Crafts, reading or looking at family photos can be enjoyable for everyone. Be sure to bring any necessary supplies with you on your visit.

As you visit your loved ones this holiday season, take a look at the conditions of the facility. Ask if your loved one has concerns or complaints about their living conditions, medical treatment or care. Be mindful of the feedback they give, as it could be a sign of nursing home abuse or neglect.

If you suspect your loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home, you need an attorney who will fight to keep them safe and protect your family. The nursing home abuse lawyers at Pitman, Kalkhoff, Sicula & Dentice, S.C. is committed to protecting the elderly from these devastating situations.

Contact us at 414-333-3333 to discuss your case, free of charge.

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