Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with mesothelioma?
The diagnosis may have been caused by exposure to the mineral asbestos – studies have linked asbestos exposure to mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. This mineral was frequently used in a variety of industries until the 1970s, so it is possible that you or your loved one inhaled it on the job.
If you can prove you contracted the disease due to asbestos exposure at work, you may be able to obtain compensation for medical expenses and other damages. Below, review some of the reasons you should strongly consider working with a mesothelioma attorney in Milwaukee on your claim.
1. Mesothelioma Claims Require Extensive Knowledge
These cases are a lot different than most personal injury claims. One of the main reasons is your exposure to asbestos occurred decades ago and you probably do not know where it happened. The company you were working for may have filed for bankruptcy or gone out of business.
It will be difficult to determine when and where you were exposed to asbestos without the help of a knowledgeable attorney. Your lawyer needs extensive knowledge of the history of the use of asbestos to have a chance of determining if and when asbestos was used in places you previously worked.
Your attorney will also need to know how to determine where to pursue compensation from. For instance, if the place where you were exposed is no longer in business, it might have set up a trust to handle mesothelioma claims. In other cases, we will need to file a personal injury lawsuit to pursue compensation.
You also need a lawyer who knows how to determine when the statute of limitations for your claim began. This way, he or she can help ensure your claim is filed before the statute expires.
A statute of limitations is a time limit for filing a personal injury claim. Once the time limit expires, you lose the right to file a claim.
The mesothelioma attorneys at PKSD have detailed knowledge of mesothelioma claims, including how to investigate, determine where to obtain compensation, and how to determine when the statute of limitations started and when it expires.
2. Investigating Requires Adequate Time and Resources
Some personal injury claims require a relatively short investigation. Your attorney can collect an accident report and your medical records and quickly determine what forms of compensation you are entitled.
However, mesothelioma claims can take a long time to investigate. Your attorney will likely need to consult experts to help establish when and where you were exposed to asbestos and how your diagnosis was caused by this exposure.
You will have a difficult time building a strong case unless you have an attorney who has the time, resources and connections to conduct the thorough investigation your claim deserves.
Our firm is prepared to bring all of its resources to your claim to attempt to obtain the compensation you deserve.
3. An Attorney Knows How to Accurately Value Your Claim
One of the most difficult parts of any personal injury claim, including mesothelioma claims, is determining how much the claim is worth.
You need to take all of the damages you suffered into account. This includes economic damages that are relatively easy to calculate, like medical expenses, and non-economic forms of compensation like pain and suffering, which are much more difficult to value. Accurately valuing these damages requires a comprehensive analysis and possibly consultation with medical experts.
An experienced attorney will know how to carefully review your situation to try to come to an accurate valuation. This is much easier to do when you have experience with personal injury cases, particularly experience with valuing non-economic forms of compensation that do not have a monetary value attached to them.
A knowledgeable lawyer should also have an understanding of how to value future damages from your mesothelioma diagnosis. These damages could be worth much more than your current damages.
At PKSD, we are committed to doing a thorough evaluation of your situation to try to determine an accurate valuation of your claim.
4. A Lawyer Can Pursue a Claim on Contingency
One of the main reasons people do not contact personal injury lawyers, or are hesitant to do so, is because they are concerned about how much money it will cost.
However, most attorneys take these claims on contingency, which means there is no upfront fee and no charge unless the victim obtains compensation. This way the victim does not have to worry about his or her disease and how to pay for legal representation.
The personal injury lawyers at PKSD take all personal injury claims on contingency. We also offer a 100 percent free legal consultation where you can review your situation and we can determine if you have a viable claim.
Contact Our Firm Right Now to Pursue a Mesothelioma Claim
The emotional toll of realizing that you may lose a loved one to mesothelioma is impossible to describe.
Unfortunately, that is just one of the many effects of the disease. Treatment is also very expensive and can be difficult to afford no matter how large your bank account is.
However, if the disease was caused by on-the-job exposure to asbestos, you might be able to file a claim to obtain compensation to deal with physical, financial and emotional effects of the disease.
Contact one of our Milwaukee mesothelioma lawyers today for a free, no obligation legal consultation to find out if you have a viable claim.
If you have a viable claim and decide to proceed, we will represent you on contingency. This means we will not charge legal fees unless you receive compensation.
Call 414-333-3333 or fill out a Free Case Evaluation form today.