Wisconsin state officials and law enforcement agencies are combining their efforts to address drunk driving during the holiday season as part of the national Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.
The campaign is part of a nationwide effort sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that will last from Dec. 15 to Jan. 1. It is one of the administration’s methods to decrease the approximately 10,265 fatalities caused by drunk driving each year.
Wisconsin has assembled 24 impaired driving task forces comprised of multiple law enforcement agencies. The goal is to combine their efforts and expertise to create safer roads during the holidays by identifying and preventing drunk driving.
Drunk driving in Wisconsin is already an issue that concerns state officials and law enforcement agencies. In 2015, the state made 24,000 drunk driving convictions, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT) Bureau of Transportation Safety.
The goal of the holiday task forces is not to increase those numbers, but to deter impaired driving by informing the public of the campaign’s purpose and the increased presence of law enforcement officers.
WisDOT has also released a free mobile app, Zero in Wisconsin Drive Sober, to combat impaired driving. The app offers interactive games and activities that provide an estimate of the user’s blood alcohol content to alert drivers if they are too drunk to drive.
The NHTSA has also created a virtual interaction site, called Last Call 360, which provides users with an interactive bar scene. Users are able to make virtual decisions that shows them the effects that alcohol has on their actions as they order more drinks, as well as their abilities to drive under the influence of alcohol.
Drugged driving has also become a serious problem throughout Wisconsin. In 2015, there were 149 drug-related driving deaths, which further contributes to the state’s 200 percent increase in drugged driving fatalities in the past decade.
Impaired driving poses a serious danger to all motorists sharing the road. If you were injured or lost someone you loved in a drunk driving accident, the Milwaukee car accident attorneys at PKSD will fight to maximize your compensation for any medical bills, injuries, and pain and suffering the might have occurred. We work on a contingency fee basis and will discuss your claim in a free review to determine if you have a case.
Call 414-333-3333 to schedule a free consultation with a Milwaukee personal injury lawyer or complete our Free Case Evaluation form today.