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Iowa Nursing Home Accountable in Resident’s Death



Iowa nursing home accountable in resident's deathTimely Mission, a nursing home in Iowa, has been held accountable for the tragic death of a resident in its care. This resident, an elderly woman, suffered multiple and repeated injuries from a staff nurse responsible for her care. The nursing home knew this nurse had a prior history of elder abuse yet rehired her anyway.

One Family’s Tragic Story

When Darlene Weaver became unable to care for herself, daughters Kathy and Patti began looking for a long-term facility. Their first thought was the nursing home in the community where she grew up. This was a place, they thought, where their mother would receive excellent care and feel safe. Unfortunately, that is not what happened.

Darlene suffered repeated injuries at the hands of one certified nursing assistant (CNA) handling her care. Upon finding out about this CNA’s behavior, one of her daughters called the facility. She requested that this particular nurse not be allowed to have any further part in her mother’s care.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of Darlene’s suffering. That Easter, Darlene’s daughter, Kathy found bruising on her mother’s arms and another strange mark on her shoulder. When she questioned the charge nurse about it, Kathy was told her mother had fallen a few days prior. At the time, Kathy believed the nurse. Later, however, she discovered that the abusive nurse staffer had been given access to her mother again.

In June of that same year, the daughters received notice that Darlene had another fall. The facility said they were taking their mother to the clinic as a precaution, but that she was okay. However, the exam revealed a broken shoulder, arm and hip. Darlene needed surgery but told her daughters she could not “live like that anymore.” Darlene refused the surgery and passed away on June 18, 2017.

How a Nurse Was Rehired Despite a Known History of Elder Abuse

In this situation, the abusive nurse staffer had previously been fired after being charged with six counts of elder abuse. In fact, she also had a history of elder abuse at Timely Mission, the same Iowa nursing home where Darlene had been placed. Yet the facility rehired her despite this known history. What Darlene’s daughters later found out was that the Director of Nurses at Timely Mission was also the mother of the abusive nurse staffer.

Corporate Lobbyists Seek to Impose Government-Mandated Caps on Human Life

The family members of this resident sought and received justice for the abuse their loved one suffered. In the end, a jury held the Iowa nursing home accountable for their acts of gross negligence. However, in the future, others may not have this same opportunity.

Today, corporate lobbyists are seeking to impose a “one-size-fits-all” government-mandated cap on damages. If successful, it would be much more difficult to hold negligent nursing homes and other corporations accountable for all the damages they may cause. This government-mandated cap not only limits our constitutional right to seek justice, it also puts more power in the hands of politicians.

Our Law Firm is Committed to Protecting Elderly Residents

At PKSD, our nursing home abuse lawyers work tirelessly for injured residents in Iowa, Wisconsin and New Mexico. We are deeply committed to holding negligent nursing homes and caregivers accountable for acts of nursing home abuse and neglect.

If you suspect your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse, we are prepared to help. We have a strong and proven track record, recovering millions in compensation for our clients.

Call our firm today to schedule a free initial consultation to learn more. There is no obligation to move forward. However, if we do represent you, there are no upfront costs or fees to pay. We do not get paid unless we recover compensation for you.

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