After a crash, the driver who caused it may try to lie about what happened to avoid dealing with the consequences. Unfortunately, this situation could cause you serious complications if you file an injury claim. Worse still, it could harm your ability to recover compensation for your damages.
At PKSD, we are dedicated to holding at-fault drivers accountable. Learn more about this important topic below, including what you can do to help safeguard your claim.
Our Milwaukee-based car crash attorneys have been helping injured victims throughout Wisconsin for decades. We always seek maximum compensation, and our licensed attorneys are always ready to help. Contact our law offices anytime, night or day. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your situation and potential legal options. There are no upfront costs if we represent you, and therefore no risk to you.
Request your FREE case review today. 414-333-3333
How the Other Driver’s Lies Could Hurt Your Claim
If the other driver lies about how the crash happened, it could do more than make you angry or frustrated. If this person’s lies are believable, it could result in the denial of your claim. That would be an expensive outcome, as it could leave you paying for damages that you did not cause, including:
- Medical costs for the treatment of any injuries you sustained
- The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle
- Physical therapy
- Mobility devices you may need, such as crutches or a wheelchair
- Prescription medication for pain and infection management
- And more
In short, you could be out hundreds of thousands of dollars for a collision you did not cause.
How Can You Protect Your Claim if the At-Fault Driver Lies About the Crash?
There are a number of steps that you can take, but it is important to begin protecting your claim from the moment it happens. The first and most important step is to call police to the scene.
First responders are trained to handle the chaos that often happens after any traffic accident. Additionally, they will be examining the crash scene, the damage to both vehicles and taking statements from witnesses as well as the drivers involved. No matter what the at-fault driver says, you will have a chance to speak and give your own account of what happened.
In addition to these steps, be sure to:
- Seek emergency medical care right after the crash: This is a critical step as it helps to protect your health and ensure you get the treatment you need for your injuries. Additionally, details about your injuries and how you sustained them will get recorded in your medical records. This documentation provides an official record that can help to support your claim and link your injuries back to the crash.
- Stay calm: The emotion of a car crash can be enough to set anyone off, especially if you know the other driver is lying. The fact is, losing your temper or getting into an argument will not help. It looks bad, even if you have a valid reason for being angry. Witnesses at the scene could be watching or recording you on their smartphones. Insurance companies will be looking for evidence they can use to discredit you or shift blame from their policyholder to you. What you say and do at the crash scene can have a significant impact on your credibility and your claim.
- Be honest and consistent: Tell the truth about what happened leading up to the crash but keep it simple. Do not admit fault or cast blame. Let the crash scene investigators do their jobs. Keep in mind that throughout the legal process, both you and the other driver will be asked to repeat your story multiple times. Being honest and consistent will make it much easier for you to remember the details later on. It will also help to strengthen your credibility.
- Do not leave the scene of the crash: In addition to being illegal in Wisconsin, leaving the scene of a crash makes you look guilty. Similarly, if the other driver flees the scene, it creates an assumption that he or she is guilty and may also result in criminal charges. Try and get that vehicle’s license plate number if you can. That information may help police locate the driver.
Why Would the Driver Who Caused My Crash Lie About it?
When drivers lie about causing a crash, it is likely out of fear for the consequences. Most of the time, car accidents are the result of driver negligence. This could be anything from running a red light, speeding, not using a turn signal, driving while impaired or intoxicated, and more. Regardless of what traffic law they may have been breaking, people may lie about causing a crash to avoid:
- Getting a traffic ticket
- Higher insurance premiums
- Getting points on their license
- Losing their driver’s license
- Being assessed with fines
- Going to jail
Interestingly, drivers who lie about causing a crash are often not thinking about the consequences of committing insurance fraud.
What Are the Penalties for Lying to the Insurance Company?
Lying to the insurance company is the same as committing insurance fraud in Wisconsin. If convicted and the claim for compensation is valued at $2,500 or less, the offense would be classified as a misdemeanor. For a claim larger than $2,500, however, the charge for lying to the insurance company is considered a Class A felony offense.
At the lowest offense, a person convicted of insurance fraud could receive up to 9 months in prison and hefty fines of up to $10,000. For the most severe felony charge, the penalties are significantly more severe. If convicted, jail time could be three years or more.
Contact Our Trusted Law Firm to Discuss Your Situation
If you are injured in a crash and the at-fault driver lies about what happened, you will need help from an experienced and licensed attorney.
At PKSD, we know how to gather strong evidence that will help to build a robust claim. We have a history of proven results and know what steps to take if the at-fault driver lies about causing your crash.
There are no upfront costs if we represent you. In fact, we do not get paid our fees unless we win your case.
Millions Recovered. 414-333-3333