This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, commemorating the U.S. men and women who bravely served our country. For most of America, it also represents the beginning of a seasons worth of outdoor activities.
One study found that major holidays represent opportunities for injury. According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a nationally representative sample of 98 U.S. hospital emergency departments, Labor Day and Memorial Day are the two most dangerous holidays for injuries followed by the Fourth of July and Halloween.
A closer look at the statistics shows that most of the injuries were suffered by boys (62 percent), followed by children under 5 (29 percent). The most common type of injury was a laceration, and the most injured body parts were the face and the fingers/hands.
Just over 40% of all injuries were sports related. About 20% were designated as home structure related, which included injuries from doors and countertops, and about 16% were related to home furnishings, including tables and chairs.
Stay safe this Memorial Day!
PKSD – Milwaukee injury attorneys. Ph: 414-333-3333.