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U.S. Has the Highest Number of Traffic Deaths in 16 Years



highest traffic fatalitiesIn 2020, there were 38,824 traffic fatalities in the United States. That number is an increase of 10.5 percent from 2019, in which 36,355 people died in traffic accidents. In 2021, those numbers increased to an estimated 42,915 traffic deaths: the most fatalities seen in motor vehicle crashes since 2005.

In Wisconsin, like many states, the number of traffic fatalities in 2022 are already higher than at the same time in previous years.

Why Do the Number of Traffic Deaths Continue to Go Up?

According to a recent article, Russ Martin, the senior director of policy and government relations for the Governors Highway Safety Association says it is a combination of poor driving behaviors. In the past few years, people are exhibiting more dangerous driving behaviors, including:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while impaired by alcohol and other substances
  • Failing to buckle up

Other Factors Contributing to Traffic Deaths

Many safety advocates believe that road design is another significant factor contributing to the uptick of vehicle crashes. Many streets today are designed for speed, rather than safety.

One recent study shows how street design, such as asphalt art, can help to slow roadways and make roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

What Efforts Are Being Made to Help Improve Traffic Safety?

There are several efforts being made to address traffic safety, but with little results to date.

Efforts to improve traffic safety include:

  • Automated safety features in vehicles: Unfortunately, these driving assistance features are problematic. To start with, many drivers put too much trust in these features and pay less attention to the road. Other drivers simply do not understand how to use these features at all or fail to use them as intended.
  • Programs to address risky driving: Just this week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) distributed $740 million to help fund traffic safety programs in states and communities nationwide.

Going Forward

Transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg says the safety crisis is a nationwide issue that America must address together.

Steven Cliff, NHTSA’s deputy administrator says, “This crisis on our roads is urgent and preventable.”

Cliff also says that everyone – from state and local governments and safety advocates to automakers and drivers – needs to participate.

Injured in a Crash? PKSD is Prepared to Help

At PKSD, we are dedicated to helping injured victims, including those injured in a traffic accident. Our Milwaukee-area car crash attorneys have decades of experience and are deeply committed to each client.

If you suffered crash injuries because of another’s negligence, we encourage you to contact our firm today. We have staff standing by 24/7 to take your call. Get answers to your questions and find out about your legal options in a completely free, no-risk case review.

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