Milwaukee Police are warning the city’s elderly of an impostor scam making its way through the area.
There have been 10 more cases in recent days on the city’s west side including Tuesday night.
Police believe it is the work of criminal groups from Illinois who refer to themselves as gypsies.
They are very creative on how they get into your house and even if you deny them entry, they will come in. They will just force their way in. They are very intimidating, and if they want to get in they will get in, so there is little chance of stopping them, said MPD special investigator Dennis Marlock.
Earlier this week, police arrested a man they believe had been running a similar scam on the south side, posing as a police detective to try to get into homes.
Police believe it is the work of a criminal group from Illinois who refers to themselves as gypsies.
There have been 10 cases reported in the last few days from the city’s west side.