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Sheboygan Nursing Home to Test All Residents and Staff for COVID-19



nurse-mask-giving-oxygenThe Sunny Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Sheboygan, Wisconsin has 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of April 4, 2020, according to county officials.

The first two cases were reported on March 31st and the total number of cases quickly increased to 10 within the week.

The Division of Public Health has completed an investigation of those who may have come in close contact with any of the infected individuals.

Sunny Ridge, along with the county, was forced to contact state officials since they will immediately need personal protective equipment (PPE) and additional assistance as they are forced to quarantine or isolate at least 30 of its staff members.

According to county officials, on April 2nd, the State Emergency Operations Center sent a shipment of PPE, which included n95 masks, surgical masks, gowns and gloves.

Multiple agencies have also responded by offering their support to assist with providing additional staff at the nursing center.

All staff and residents will be tested at Sunny Ridge, thanks to the support of the National Guard and local healthcare and emergency management teams.

Sheboygan County Administrator, Adam Payne, is urging all nursing homes to prepare by being proactive about obtaining the necessary materials such as PPE in order to protect residents and staff members.

The county is urging all individuals who can assist with nursing, LPN, CNA, housekeeping or other tasks needed at Sunny Ridge to call 920-207-7026.

Contact PKSD Today for Legal Help

If your loved one suffered abuse or neglect at a nursing home, you may have legal options. Our Wisconsin nursing home abuse lawyers are ready to discuss your situation in a free legal consultation.

There are no upfront fees for our services and your initial consultation comes with no legal obligations. We are ready to answer your questions and find out how we may be able to help you.

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